What is counseling?

Professional Student Mental Health Counseling is the work of professional counselors who assist young adults, and groups with diverse needs through challenges in their life journeys. Counselors take a developmental perspective that people grow and change throughout their lives. Professional counselors understand principles of human development, psychology, mental health and change theories, and they establish effective helping relationships with people from diverse cultures. Counselors are skilled in the assessment of people and situations, diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders, and in the application of cognitive, affective, behavioral and systemic strategies to facilitate change.

Professional student counselors help clients explore their concerns and assist them in creating change. They work with clients to implement personal goals and/or advocate for system-wide changes. As professional helpers, counselors are respectful and responsive to clients and offer a safe place for people to share their experiences and to explore ways to cope. Counselors are skilled in implementing therapeutic interventions designed to help clients challenged by a range of circumstances including: trauma, depression, anxiety, stress, unanticipated life events, interpersonal discord, social injustice, worksite disruption and career issues.

Who we are..?

Professional experience

HUMAN-SERVICE (HS) is a fast-growing service provider of outsourced community mental health counseling. We have years of experience providing on-campus student counseling services for our partner institutions.

Our commitment

We are committed to offer consultations during office hours and additional support for students in the form of preventive programs, screening, personalized coaching and a lot more.

How do we work?

Generally, we provide confidential student counseling services in a given block of time on-site/on-campus at our partner institutions, where a classroom or office room is designated in the begining of the semester to house our service. During these office hours students can freely come and visit with the appointed student counselor who has years of field experience working with young adults coming from various cultures, ethnicity. We provide free of charge (45-60 minute long) sessions for students up to 6-8 sessions per student. Setting an appointment is easy, use may use our online appointment setting system, call us by phone, send us an e-mail, or simply stop by during office hours.

Available languages

Our service is available both in English and Hungarian languages provided by mental health professionals and psychologists.

Who can come to counseling?

Anyone, who is a registered student of the given institution.

Realm of operation

Traditionally on-campus culturally sensitive counseling office offers services in regard to the following topics:

- Feeling sad
- Drug and alcohol prevention/problems
- Learning difficulties/problems with academic performance
- Guidance counseling/career orientation
- Teacher-student relational conflict and problems
- Difficulties with establishing relationships/isolation/loneliness
- Living in Hungary (anomalies derived from living abroad)
- Issues relating to spirituality and religious life
- Mobbing concerns
- Eating concerns
- Screening for referrals to local psychiatric care or out-patient state/private MH services

Quality control

Quality and extent of service is equivalent to the dimensions of such services provided in major universities in the United States as this program works with the recommendations and guidelines set behalf of American Counseling Association (ACA), American Psychological Association (APA), and American School Counselor Association (ASCA).